Your Surrey Sleep Consultant
Looking for advice you can trust about your child’s sleep?
My name is Katy Huyerman, I’m a Surrey Sleep Consultant and a member of the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants, and I’m here to help!
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In recent years, the importance of good sleep for both adults and children has been talked about quite a bit. Getting good, consistent sleep can improve your health and weight, your memory, your mood… and the list goes on.
And for parents with young children, these are especially important questions. How much sleep do they need? Why can’t they sleep through the night? What changes do I need to make for both the children and me to have better sleep? If you’re anything like I was when I was frustrated and struggling with my son’s sleep habits, you might also be asking…
Will it ever get better?
I’m here to assure you that it absolutely can and will. Not to mention, it must. Getting good, consistent sleep is absolutely vital to the health and development of your little one.
But, like many things, that’s easier said than done. Under the stress, fatigue, and frustration that can come with a child’s challenging sleep habits, it’s hard to know where to turn. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I understand all too well how difficult this can be.
I’m here to help
After seeing my own children achieve healthy sleeping habits with the help of a sleep consultant, subsequently I decided to become one myself. Without a doubt, it’s the best decision I ever made! I was that passionate about what I had learned, so I needed to spend my time helping others achieve the same. Since then, I’ve worked with over 600 little ones and their families to help them sleep well.
If you’re interested in learning more, then please take a look around my site. And be sure to download your FREE bedtime guide, 5 steps to a better night’s sleep!
If you’re ready to get some more sleep, either join my waiting list for 1 to 1 support, or click below to find out more about my online programme.
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How I Can Help You and Your Child Get Back to a Better Night’s Sleep
Like many problems we face nowadays, our reflex for dealing with changes to sleep habits is to do some research and collate infomation. Googling, reading books and asking friends.
And while you have likely picked up some useful advice, here’s the problem: every child is different. They have their unique temperaments, personalities, and needs. Similarly, you are different from other parents.
So that’s why the most efficient, effective way of dealing with sleep issues is to work one-on-one with a consultant. Someone who will evaluate your child, your parenting style, and your unique situation to develop an easy-to-follow plan.
How does it work?
It takes out the guesswork and ensures that you’re following a plan perfectly suited for your child. Also, it removes the need for research and effort that must be put in for you to solve the problem yourself. I know I was too tired to do that, and I’m guessing you may be too.
As a Surrey Sleep Consultant, I can quickly evaluate your circumstances, develop a plan, and guide you through the process. Because of this, you’ll know what to expect in terms of how quickly things will improve.
Furthermore, I’m a firm believer in this process and I have seen it work time and time again. If you’d like to see some feedback from past clients, then head over to my Happy Families page.
Above all, these accounts are what make me so passionate about helping parents with their children’s sleep. And I’d love to see the same success for you.
Private Consultation with a Surrey Sleep Consultant!
1-1 Consultations
Are you ready for a clear and easy-to-follow plan that will teach your child the skills necessary to happily sleep through the night (and take long, restful naps during the day)?. Then click the button below to read more about working with Katy Huyerman, your Surrey Sleep Consultant.
Learn more about 1-1 consultations
Surrey Sleep Consultant
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