Will white noise help baby sleep better?
As a baby sleep consultant, something that I get asked a lot, is “will white noise help baby sleep better”? And the answer is yes, it can! You might be tempted toRead More…
As a baby sleep consultant, something that I get asked a lot, is “will white noise help baby sleep better”? And the answer is yes, it can! You might be tempted toRead More…
When it comes to baby sleep, there’s a lot of information out there. I can clearly remember, like most mothers I’m sure, the moment Kian arrived in the world. I was absolutelyRead More…
When it comes to babies waking in the night, many parents ask themselves, “is my baby waking from hunger?” We’re all willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that our babiesRead More…
A topic I am often asked about by parents, is the right time for moving your toddler from a cot to a bed. Many parents are eager to move their child intoRead More…
So I bet you’re surprised to hear this coming from a sleep consultant. But it’s true – your baby will never sleep right through the night. And neither will you, for that matter.Read More…
I’m going to talk about the four month sleep regression in particular here. As a sleep consultant, I hear the term “regression” used frequently. Essentially, if baby doesn’t sleep well forRead More…
Separation anxiety is one of the stages in a baby’s development that causes upset for babies and parents alike. In this age of social media and easy access to information, as parents, we’re easilyRead More…
It can be challenging to manage sleep and travel at Christmas. Many parents who have recently worked on their baby’s sleep are worried that they might regress a little over the festive period.Read More…
With the clocks going back on Sunday,it’s not so bad when they “fall back”. And (supposedly) we get an extra hour in bed. However the kids will, most likely, have different ideas! EveryRead More…
Travelling with babies and toddlers can be a daunting experience, especially when thinking about how to manage their sleep. The good news is that it’s possible to have children who travel reallyRead More…