~ Happy Families ~

Certified Children's sleep consultant in London

Sleep consultant in London

Have a read through what previous Slumbertots’ families are saying about working with me, a sleep consultant in London, Surrey and all of the UK!

If you’re ready to begin your journey, then I look forward to helping you and your family achieve the same results that my recent clients have been enjoying.

Join my waiting list today to work with me. Your sleep consultant in London and Surrey

Testimonials from happy families

"We all started to sleep through the night and are better people for it".

I contacted Katy from Slumbertots Baby and Child Sleep Consultancy to help our toddler sleep. Freddie needed to learn the necessary skills to help himself sleep through the night. Freddie is 14 months old and has never slept through the night. I breastfed him till he was 8 months old and then I managed to move him onto the bottle. I thought he would then sleep better, however, he still woke at least once through the night for ‘Milk’ and cuddles. Sometimes he would wake at 4am wanting to play. He was a happy little boy but often clingy with mummy and fussy with his food. Katy asked us to complete a questionnaire about our family and routines. She wrote Freddie a plan and talked us through it before we started. Katy had also booked in future calls to guide us through the plan when changes were made to meet Freddie’s new sleep pattern. Within a few days, we were seeing great results. Freddie started settling himself back to sleep on his own. He was much happier and less clingy. He even started trying new food that he had previously rejected. After a week of sleep training with Freddie and consistently sticking with the plan, he no longer needed us at night. We all started to sleep through the night and are better people for getting good sleep. I would highly recommend Katy to help you and your family because she’s simply amazing! Katy is kind, patient, very supportive and as a mother herself, she knows the struggles we all face. Thank you so much, the Richardson family xx.
Sleep Consultant in London
Mum to Freddie, 14 Months

"Now Ollie sleeps through the night and is a happier baby as he's getting the right amount of sleep".

Ollie got into the habit of waking every three hours for a milk feed and wouldn’t go back to sleep unless he had fed. I tried to give him a dummy to placate him but he would just wake up when the dummy fell out of his mouth. A friend suggested that I speak with Katy. I was hesitant as she is based in the UK and I’m in South Africa. How can someone help me when they are a million miles away? We Skyped often and Katy was so supportive in every step. She asked such illuminating questions and successfully tailor-made a sleep routine for Ollie. This fitted in with my life and my toddler’s school hours. Now Ollie sleeps through the night and is a happier baby as he’s getting the right amount of sleep. He has also increased his day time naps and I can see the benefits on his system. – Shelley
Sleep Consultant in London
Mum to Ollie, 8 months

"Now I can put him to bed at 7pm and he stays there".

Before we cracked my toddler’s sleep issues he was running around at 9.30 – 10pm full of beans. Nothing would get him to stay in bed. He would then crash out in the afternoon because he was so tired…and so it went on. He would be waking 4/5 times a night to get into bed with us and tantrum if we said no. We’d give in out of tiredness but none of us would really sleep properly. We were all sleep deprived, we were struggling in the day and my son was misbehaving so badly it was getting embarrassing to go out! Katy has restored our evenings again which is incredible: I can put him to bed at 7pm and he stays there. Without Katy’s support and reminders for consistency I know I would not have succeeded in seeing the course through to fruition. Thank you Katy for all your help and support, you have helped us immensely as a family. You have restored us with some sanity!
Sleep Consultant in London
Mum of 3 year old

"Our son went from multiple night wakings to sleeping through the night in just a couple of nights".

Before we began working with Katy, our 11 month old son was always fed to sleep. He was waking up several times a night needing a feed to fall back asleep. We co-slept and thought things wouldn’t change anytime soon. We knew we had to take action but I was always scared as I really didn’t want to upset my baby. But I had to try as I would do anything to improve his quality of sleep. To our surprise our son went from feeding to sleep and multiple night wakings to falling asleep independently and sleeping through the night in just a couple of nights! The process really helped me to give our son the space and opportunity to develop self settling skills he needed. Katy was a great support to us and really guided us through any anxieties we had helping us to make changes along the way.
Sleep Consultant in London
Mum of 11 month old
“ My mission is to help parents develop confidence in supporting their child to sleep well as the foundation for a healthy lifestyle ”
Katy Huyerman
Slumbertots Sleep Consultancy